freelance artist

Please refrain from interacting with me if you support the things listed bellow:
Harassment of any kind

My Social Medias

My commsissions are currently open!
If you're interested in buying a commission check out my sheet


headshot→ 15€-10€

halfbody→ 20€-15€

fullbody→ 30€-25€

Contact Information
Please DM me on any Social medias or on Discord (@miraisentai) if you're Interested!

extra character +5€
complex backgrounds +10€
character design +10€

Payment methods:
⋄Giftcards (Friends/trusted customers only)

I usually take payments
after I'm done with the
drawing, Paying upfront
or other methods can be
discussed in dms!

Thumbnail Art, Talking sprites...
Mecha, Armor, Portraits, Animals
Furries, Slight gore, Nudity

Nsfw, Fetish, Heavy gore, political art
Irl ships, distasteful ships, hate art

BASIC TOS:● Commissioner can re-upload the image with credits given to me in the form of a link to my twitter or instagram● Artwork cannot be used for profit, or claimed as your own unless it's been discussed with me● No Refunds will be given if the drawing has been finished and send● BY ORDERING ANY NSFW/18+ ART YOU ARE AGREEING THAT YOU ARE 18 OR OLDER.● MY WORK CANNOT BE USED FOR AI GENERATORS OR NFTs.

IMAGE COPYRIGHT:● I, the artist, retain full and exclusive rights to the original artwork. The client may not claim it as their own or use it for anything other than personal use.● All commissioned artwork is for nonprofitable purpose only. Redistribution of my artwork for use in printed merchandise or as promotion of goods, services or social media pages is prohibited. If you have any questions about this, ask me before commissioning me.Conditions for Reposting● The client has my permission to repost the artwork wherever they would like, as long as proper credit is given (a link back to my Twitter or Instagram) and my watermark/signature remains intact and unaltered.Prohibited Actions
● Altering my artwork in any way without asking for permission before hand, with the exception of cropping/resizing the image for an icon or other use.
●Use my artwork as references for your own, whether tracing or re-purposing parts of the image.● Claiming the artwork as your own.If these terms are broken, you will be privately blacklisted from commissioning me and reported.